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This function calculates the statistical power of SEM models based on simulation results, providing a detailed summary including the convergence rate of simulations.


extract_power(data, target)



A dataframe containing the results of SEM simulations, typically produced by a function like simulate_power. It should include parameters estimates, p-values, and confidence intervals.


A vector of strings specifying which parameters (paths) to analyze for power. These should match entries in the 'Parameter' column of the data.


A dataframe summarizing the power analysis results for specified paths. Each row corresponds to a path with the following columns:

  • ValueMean estimate of the path coefficient across simulations.

  • MedianMedian estimate of the path coefficient.

  • PowerProportion of simulations where the path was statistically significant (p < 0.05), excluding NA values.

  • Power (All Cases)Proportion of simulations where the path was significant, treating NAs as non-significant.

  • CI_lowerAverage lower bound of the confidence interval for the path estimate.

  • CI_upperAverage upper bound of the confidence interval for the path estimate.


# Assume 'sim_results' is a dataframe from simulate_power()
target_paths <- c("M ~ X", "Y ~ M")
power_summary <- extract_power(sim_results, target_paths)
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'sim_results' not found