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clean_ending function is designed to filter a dataset based on the status of the "Ending" variable. It allows users to either include or exclude observations where the Ending is NA or matches a specific value, which by default is "Normal". This function provides a simple yet effective method for focusing analyses on subsets of data that meet specific criteria related to their conclusion status.


clean_ending(data, ending_value = "Normal", keep_na = TRUE)



The dataset to be filtered.


The value of the "Ending" variable to filter the dataset by. The default value is "Normal", indicating that by default, observations with an Ending of "Normal" or NA (if keep_na is TRUE) are kept.


Logical value indicating whether to keep observations where the Ending is NA alongside the specified ending_value. If TRUE, observations where Ending is NA or matches the ending_value are kept. If FALSE, only observations where Ending matches the ending_value are kept. The default is TRUE.


A filtered dataset based on the specified criteria for the Ending status. Additionally, it reports the number of observations before and after filtering, as well as the number of observations filtered out based on the ending scenario filter.


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if (FALSE) {
# Generate a dataset
df <- data.frame(ID = 1:5,
                 Score = c(100, 85, 90, NA, 95),
                 Ending = c("Normal", "Abnormal", NA, "Normal", "Critical"))

# Filter the dataset to keep only "Normal" or NA endings
filtered_df <- clean_ending(df, keep_na = TRUE)

# Filter the dataset to keep only "Normal" endings, excluding NAs
filtered_df_no_na <- clean_ending(df, keep_na = FALSE)

# Filter the dataset for a different ending value, say "Critical", including NAs
filtered_df_critical <- clean_ending(df, ending_value = "Critical", keep_na = TRUE)

# Filter the dataset for a different ending value, say "Abnormal", excluding NAs
filtered_df_abnormal <- clean_ending(df, ending_value = "Abnormal", keep_na = FALSE)